We are proud to see that our products help to improve so many of the patients'lives by curative or palliative treatment. 我们非常高兴地看到,我们的产品帮助了许多肿瘤病人摆脱病患或减轻了痛苦。
Botulinum toxin for palliative treatment of epiphora in a patient with canalicular obstruction 伴有泪小管阻塞的溢泪患者的肉毒杆菌毒素姑息治疗1例
Therefore, before artificial hip replacement, the femoral head should be chosen to retain all the palliative treatment to delay or alternative hip replacement. 因此在采用人工髋关节置换之前,应选择各种保留股骨头的姑息性治疗,以延缓或替代髋关节置换。
Low-dose radiation can be considered for the palliative treatment of pleural and pulmonary EMH. 对于肋膜或肺部的髓外造血所引起的症状,放射治疗为一可考虑的治疗方式。
Palliative treatment of advanced distal esophageal carcinoma and gastric cardia and fundus carcinoma by anti-reflux covered stent placement 防反流覆膜支架在晚期食管下段癌及贲门-胃底癌治疗中的临床应用
Chemotherapy as palliative treatment to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer. 用化疗作为缓解性治疗手段来缓解癌症引起的症状。
Effect of Enema with Traditional Chinese Medicine as A Palliative Treatment for Patients with Malignant Bowel Obstruction 中药灌肠姑息治疗恶性肠梗阻效果观察
Conclusion The domestic hospice palliative treatment, symptomatic treatment and nursing enhance the quality of life of cancer patients. 近年来癌症患者生命质量问题已成为除单纯生理治疗外关注的热点。
Conclusion Hepatic arterial chemoembolization is a feasible procedure with acceptable side effects, which could be used as a palliative treatment in patients with liver metastases from nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In our series, palliative resection for disseminated lesions with or without additional chemotherapy resulted in long-term survival. 结论肝动脉化疗栓塞可以作为治疗鼻咽癌肝转移瘤的一种姑息手段。在我们研究系列发现不管有无接受化学治疗,姑息性切除散布病灶能够延长病人寿命。
Application of Woven Type of Esophageal Stent in the Palliative Treatment of Gastric Cardia Cancer 机织型食道支架在胃底贲门癌姑息性治疗中的应用
Alteration of Invasive/ Metastatic Potential of the Residual Hepatocellular Carcinoma Following Palliative Liver Cancer Resection and Its Intervention; Percutaneous intrabiliary-tract stenting for palliative treatment of malignant obstructive jaundice 姑息性肝癌切除术对残癌侵袭转移潜能的影响及其干预经皮胆道内支架置入术姑息性治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸临床观察
On the Humanistic Spirit in Palliative Treatment and Hospitalpice& Aroused by the Current Treatment for Patients with Terminal Cancer 姑息治疗与临终关怀中的人文精神&有感于晚期癌症患者的救治现状
Terminal care and palliative treatment for 130 dying neonates 130例濒死新生儿的临终关怀与姑息护理
Surgery as palliative treatment to relieve symptoms caused by blocked bile ducts. 将手术作为缓解性治疗手段,缓解胆管阻塞引起的症状。
Objective To provide effective palliative treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer. 目的调查研究晚期恶性肿瘤患者治疗前后的生存质量。
Objective To explore the value of combined biliary and duodenal sidling in the palliative treatment of pancreatic head carcinoma. 目的探讨胆道内支架和十二指肠金属内支架联合应用治疗胰头癌的价值。
Radiation therapy as palliative treatment, with or without surgery or the placement of stents, to relieve symptoms caused by blocked bile ducts. 用放射治疗作为缓解性治疗,结合或不通过手术、或通过置入支架来缓解由于胆管阻塞导致的疾病症状。
Because of distant metastasis detected by PET, 21 patients received palliative treatment. 21例分期升级者PET检查发现了远处转移灶,其治疗方案由根治性治疗改为姑息性治疗;
Objective To evaluate the effect and the safety of the self expanding metallic stent for palliation in patients with non resectable malignant tumors of the esophagus or cardia and to observe the early and late curative effect of palliative treatment. 目的评价自动膨胀型金属支架对不能切除的食管和贲门恶性肿瘤患者症状的缓解作用,评价金属支架置入的安全性,观察姑息性治疗的近期和远期疗效。
This technique provides a palliative treatment for tumor of advanced stage. 内引流可对胆道晚期肿瘤患者行姑息性治疗;
Investigation of Quality of Life of a Patient with Late Tumor and Clinic Research on Palliative Treatment 晚期肿瘤病人生活质量调查和姑息性治疗的临床研究
LPD proved to be superior to other therapy, but it is still a palliative treatment. 说明LPD治疗硬化型中晚期肝癌优于其他方法,但仍是一种姑息性治疗方法。
Conclusion: Placement of covered stent is a simple, safe, effective and palliative treatment for tracheoesophageal fistula. 结论:应用不同类型被覆金属内支架治疗食管气管瘘是一种快捷易行、安全可靠的有效姑息治疗方法,术后配合放、化疗,能更好地延长生存期。
Conclusions Radiation therapy is an efficient palliative treatment for choroidal metastases and it helps the preservation of vision. 结论放射治疗是一种有效的并且安全的姑息治疗脉络膜转移癌的手段,并能保存视力,提高生存质量;
Conclusion: Interventional therapy is safe and effective in palliative treatment for bone metastases. 结论:采用介入化疗或栓塞术是治疗骨转移癌的一种有效姑息性的方法。
Esophageal nitinol stents were used for palliative treatment of benign and malig-nant esophageal strictures in 23 patients. 作者总结了采用27根镍钛合金Ultraflex食管支架置入术治疗各种良恶性食管狭窄23例。
Objective To study the clinical possibility and practical range of palliative treatment for split teeth. 目的探讨劈裂牙姑息保留治疗方案广泛应用于临床的可能性及其应用于临床的实际范围。
The main purpose of palliative treatment to relieve dysphagia and to maintain adequate nutrition. 姑息治疗的主要目的是缓解吞咽困难和维持营养。